
View event results and playback your track against others. Click on the event you want to view from the list below.

15th June 2019

The ICON Classic is Britain’s best known downwind ocean paddlesport race. In its 10th Anniversary Year, it has become a key date in the GB Ocean Ski, SUP Outrigger and Paddleboard racing calendars. Geo Tracks provided GPS competitor tracking for the 1st time in the events history. FEED BACK: "This was the first year we have used GPS trackers for the Icon Classic Ski Race. It made a massive difference to our safety cover as we were able to see where every paddler was at all times. Keeping track of over 100 paddlers across 17km of coast line is extremely difficult but the use of GPS trackers and the support of Ben and his team was a game changer!. Absolutely recommend this system and we'll definitely be using them again"

10th - 12th May 2019

The Devon Coast Challenge saw 100 brave runners and walkers make their way along the coastal footpath completing 3 marathons in 3 days. Geo Tracks provided the event tracking and safety response cover for the event. Providing a live view tracking portal for participants, event staff and spectators alike.

7th June 2019

Andy Blow and James Philips from Team Precision Hydration placed 3rd in the ÖTILLÖ Swimrun Isles of Scilly. We tracked them over this gruelling 29km trail run and 8.3km sea swim. Tracking these two swim runners not only meant we could see how well they where doing in real time but friends and family could watch the progress from the main land.